Welcome to STAR::BODY::EARTH

january2023 retrogrades Dec 30, 2022

The Bridge Between 2022-2023

After the last two years of global incubation, 2022 has ushered us into both internal and external revelations.

With so many overlapping major planetary retrogrades in the last quarter of the year, it was hard not to be questioning and reflecting on what’s really important in our personal and collective evolution.

You may have asked yourself:

  • Have my attitudes and values changed in the last two years? 
  • How do I want to show up in this New Earth Now?
  • What does that look like in my life?
  • What do I want to give my precious time to?

2023 offers us an opportunity to put all of these musings into direct action in our lives... and the planets are strongly supporting this revelation with all planets stationing direct by January 19th! 

Time to manifest all the magic!


What is Star::Body::Earth?

Courses: All courses are focused on deepening psychic awareness & attunement to all of our relations: Mineral, Plant, Animal, Spirit World, Human Body & Natural Time.

Earth Activation Tours: These in-person experiences are centered around conscious embodiment and land-honoring ceremony work at the major vortexes of the planet. 

Services: All individual services are aimed at assisting you in your personal soul path of clearing karmic debris and discovering your dharmic path.


Upcoming Events in 2023

January 2023 - Special Wheel of the Year Tarot // Sidereal Astrology Readings - Only $111 if you book before 1/11/2023


February 2nd -15th, 2023 - Earth Activation Tours: Nile River Valley, Egypt!

We still have space for this epic 13-day sacred site // earth activation immersion.

Save 11% if you Book in by 1/11/2023

Use Discount Code: Egypt111



If you would like to be updated when new reflections are posted and to receive special offers on upcoming courses, tours and services. 

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