Planetary Insights // January 1st-7th 13daywavespell january2023 moon nakshatra planetaryinsights retrogrades Dec 31, 2022

 January 1st // January 7th

Full Moon: Each New Moon sets the tone for the energies of that Moon Cycle. This past New Moon in December happened to be in the Nakshatra* Mula, which is about cutting everything back down to the roots; to what is most important and vital.
During this Full Moon in the first week of January, we...

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Welcome to STAR::BODY::EARTH january2023 retrogrades Dec 30, 2022

The Bridge Between 2022-2023

After the last two years of global incubation, 2022 has ushered us into both internal and external revelations.

With so many overlapping major planetary retrogrades in the last quarter of the year, it was hard not to be questioning and reflecting on what’s really important in our personal and...

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